This is an introductory course in creative writing: emphasis on fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. No previous experience is required. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to think and write creatively, thus think of our classroom as an artist's studio. We will write and rewrite, collaborate, discuss, and build. Most of our time in this course will be spent reading and discussing each other's creative work. During workshop, we will offer constructive feedback in both small and large groups. My role as the instructor is to encourage you to love writing and to guide you as you hone your craft.

This subject deals with the paradigm of qualitative research, the formulation of the research problem,  the review of the theory, the selection of the research methods, the informant (subject), the technique of collecting data, the data analysis, establishing the trustworthiness, the evaluation of the research proposal, the research proposal writing, the evaluation of the research report, carrying out a mini research, and research report writing.

Sosiologi Pendidikan, ilmu yang mencoba melihat bagaimana proses sosial dalam dunia pendidika, serta menganalisis bagaimana masalah masalah sosial dalam lembaga pendidikan yang kemudian pemecahan masalahnya dilakukan dengan pendekatan sosial.