This course discusses errors in written English, including sentences with one clause, sentences with multiple clauses, sentences with reduced clauses, sentences with inverted subjects and verbs and analyzes the factors that cause errors in English sentences.
mata kuliah Kewirausahaan bertujuan untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa tampil mandiri dalam berwirausaha agar mahasiswa tidak selalu fokus menjadi seorang pencari kerja. Dalam hal ini kewirausahaan berperan penting dalam membentuk karakter mahasiswa dan bisa menumbuh kembangkan jiwa usaha mahasiswa sehingga mampu menciptakan usaha yang kreatif dan inovatif. Mata kuliah Kewirausahaan nantinya sangat dibutuhkan mahasiswa dalam berkarir dengan adanya mata kuliah Kewirausahaan tentunya mahasiswa dimasa akan datang diharapkan mampu memajukan perekonomian di Indonesia.
- Teacher: Nasrul Hakim Rangkuty
mata kuliah Kewirausahaan bertujuan untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa tampil mandiri dalam berwirausaha agar mahasiswa tidak selalu fokus menjadi seorang pencari kerja. Dalam hal ini kewirausahaan berperan penting dalam membentuk karakter mahasiswa dan bisa menumbuh kembangkan jiwa usaha mahasiswa sehingga mampu menciptakan usaha yang kreatif dan inovatif. Mata kuliah Kewirausahaan nantinya sangat dibutuhkan mahasiswa dalam berkarir dengan adanya mata kuliah Kewirausahaan tentunya mahasiswa dimasa akan datang diharapkan mampu memajukan perekonomian di Indonesia.
This course is to discuss about introduction to psycholinguistics, language and thought, language acquisition, the children’s language acquisition, language comprehension, language production, language and memory, language and brain, and language disorders.
This course is to discuss about introduction to Psycholinguistics, language and thought, language acquisition, the children’s
language acquisition, language comprehension, language production, language and
memory, language and brain, and language disorders. Psycholinguistics is the study of how the human mind produces and understands language. Although all language is at its heart creative, there are specific types of creative language that have attracted attention from language researchers due to an assumed deviation from a utilitarian mode of communication.

The study of psycholinguistics examines how we develop, perceive, and produce language. Psycholinguistics is a study that combines the fields of linguistics and psychology. Directly translated, psycholinguistics means 'language psychology.' If you were a psycholinguist, you could choose to work in various subfields, including language acquisition, use, comprehension, and the production of language in the mind. For example, a psycholinguist might choose to focus on how a baby develops their specific language to the exclusion of all others. If you were to study psycholinguistics, you might study the process of language acquisition, or how the human mind develops, perceives, and produces both spoken and written communication. Therefore, in this lesson you will discover the field of psycholinguistics and the most popular psycholinguistic theories.

- Teacher: Rani Fairus M.HUM
This course provides students with learning experiences in writing scientific articles for various purposes in the form of essay type. learning activities are conducted in and outside classroom consisting of modelling (giving examples), discussing grammatical mistakes, discussing theories and techniques including the characteristics of good writing, expository moods, etc. outside classroom activities are in the form of outlining, mind-mapping, and developing the outlining into a comprehensive essay . Evaluation is based on the student's writing including the content, organization, mechanics, and grammatical features.
- Teacher: Ratna Dewi
This subject deals with a way to present a conference paper in the seminar or a workshop. There are 3 core themes : the purpose of teaching English across the primary, junior and senior high schools, the content, and pedagogical approaches for teaching English.
- Teacher: Prof. Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd