Welcome to Contrastive and Error Analysis
Contrastive and error analysis is a subject to bring the information checking the product of language namely word, phrase, sentences in conversation, interview, dialogue, novel, newspaper, magazines, website blog, film, and etc. It focuses on written area. The analysis focuses on grammatical, sentence pattern, abbreviation, and many more.
1. B.Menddelson & J.W. Palmer, correct your English, Longman, Londong, Tt
2. Deborah Philips, Preparation course for TOEF Test, New Yor: Longman, 1996
3. Frank Marcella, Modern English Part II, New York : Prentice Hall, 1972
4. Henry Thomas, Better English Made Easy, New York; Warner Books, inc. 1983
5. J.B. Heaton and N.D TUrton, Dictionary of common Errors, Longman House, England, 1987
6. Krohn, Robert, English sentences structure, USA : The University of Michiga, 1986
7. Michael A; Pyle, MA & Marry Ellen Munoz, MA; TOEFL Preparation Guide, John Wiley & Son (EA Pte. Ltd, Singapore, 1991
8. Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D, Baron’s TOEFL. Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, 1997
9. Siti Zubaidah, contrastive & Error Analysis, Diktat Medan, 2010
10. Strickland, Dorothy S; Language for Daily Use, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983
- معلم: Ayu Indari, S.Pd.I,M.Hum